
Ignite Talk: Nigel Snoad

This is a liveblog post from the International Conference on Crisis Mapping at Tufts University.  You can also follow tweets from the event’s many open laptops at the #ICCM10 hashtag.

Nigel Snoad of ICT4Peace takes the stage for an ignite talk.

Snoad starts by sharing his rules for working on the ground:

Rule 1: “Don’t get separated from your bags”

Rule 2: “Sign up for GDADS”

Rule 3: “Help load helicopters with food.”

Rule 4: “Realize the importance of using paper.”

Rule 5: “Go out on assessments.  Realize that mobile assessments don’t always work.”

Rule 6: “Go to meetings.”

Rule 7: “Get ahold of a contact list – realize that this is the ‘help desk.'”

Rule 8: “Go to reception, register, and realize that this is a critical space for people sharing information.”

Rule 9: “Get out, have a look around.”

Rule 10: “Get a map.  Realize that not all maps are created equal.”

Rule 11: “Realize you’ll never completely be able to check your email.”

Rule 12: “Realize you shouldn’t go on search and rescue missions if you can avoid it.”

Rule 13: “Know the site reps.”

Rule 14: “Look at the official website, realize that it’s missing critical data.”

Snow says that, on the ground, he didn’t even look at the work on Ushahidi or ICT4Peace, though he realizes the critical importance of that information.  He says, “it’s always been like this,” noting the great overlap between different types of initiatives.  “We need to understand our shared goals, we need shared standards and information,” notes Snow.

He also explains that we haven’t realized the potential yet in tapping into the diaspora, the crowd.

“The information overload is overwhelming for people on the ground,” says Snow. “It’s like that all the time on the ground.”

It’s not enough to say the information is there, concludes Snow, the analysis is what we’re figuring out how to do.

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