
Facebook Zionism?

As I mentioned on KABOBfest this morning, I was unable to post this story from Haaretz on Facebook due to the fact that, apparently, users found the content offensive. Oh, really? They found Rahm Emanuel’s apology to the ADC for his father’s digusting remarks about Arabs offensive?



Does anyone else remember this show? I do. My middle school friend Emily and I used to sing the theme song, accent and all. It was pretty much my favorite thing in eighth grade (in an ironic way, mind you).


On Humility

For days, I’ve tried to come up with something to write about, in order to bump off that horrendous dead liveblog sitting in the middle of my blog.  I thought about posting on Rahm Emanuel, but another blogger already said more than I possibly could (if you follow that link, know that while I don’t […]