
Links for 9.2.09

There are far too many things for me to comment on, and way too few hours in the day. Some links for your reading pleasure: Charlotte has an excellent piece on “authenticity” on Morocco that makes use of a recent Guardian piece on finding the authentic in Casablanca (also worth a read). Naomi Wolf states […]


On Identity, Values, and Relationships

I recently got into a blog comment debate with someone I don’t particularly like or agree with on how and when values and identity are formed, and whether it is possible for them to change throughout one’s lifetime.  Truth be told, the debate was sparked by a blog post in which a Christian defended Muslims.  […]


On Admiration

I am surrounded by writers. Every morning when I wake up, one of the first things I do is scan my RSS reader for something to bring meaning to my day. I scan the loads of Moroccan blogs I subscribe to, I scan those of my Global Voices friends and colleagues, I read up on […]