
Thoughts on Twitter’s Latest Move

Today, Twitter announced a new system that will allow the company to geolocationally block (or, to use their terms, “withhold”) specific tweets in specific countries. On the company blog, Twitter explained:

We haven’t yet used this ability, but if and when we are required to withhold a Tweet in a specific country, we will attempt to let the user know, and we will clearly mark when the content has been withheld. As part of that transparency, we’ve expanded our partnership with Chilling Effects to share this new page,, which makes it easier to find notices related to Twitter.

It’s been difficult to comment on the move given the extreme reaction by Twitter’s own community. Lots of “I told you so” from the conspiracy theorists who think that this is because of Saudi Prince Alwaleed’s stake in the company, compounded by the #occupy crowd continuing to claim their hashtag was censored in Twitter’s trending topics made me want to avoid the subject entirely. But alas.

Let’s be clear: This is censorship. There’s no way around that. But alas, Twitter is not above the law.  Just about every company hosting user-generated content has, at one point or another, gotten an order or government request to take down content.  Google lays out its orders in its Transparency Report.  Other companies are less forthright.  In any case, Twitter has two options in the event of a request: Fail to comply, and risk being blocked by the government in question, or comply (read: censor).  And if they have “boots on the ground”, so to speak, in the country in question?  No choice.

In the event that a company chooses to comply with government requests and censor content, there are a number of mitigating steps the company can take.  The most important, of course, is transparency, something that Twitter has promised.  Google is also transparent in its content removal (Facebook? Not so much).  Twitter’s move to geolocate their censorship is also smart, given the alternative (censoring it worldwide, that is) – particularly since it appears a user can manually change his or her location.

I understand why people are angry, but this does not, in my view, represent a sea change in Twitter’s policies.  Twitter has previously taken down content–for DMCA requests, at least–and will no doubt continue to face requests in the future.  I believe that the company is doing its best in a tough situation…and I’ll be the first to raise hell if they screw up.

92 replies on “Thoughts on Twitter’s Latest Move”

If they want to make it really transparent, Twitter should setup an account – @TwitterCnDs, say (and it’s unregistered at the moment: where they report each instance of takedown – the user, the original tweet URL (even though it’ll be gone) and the reason. If the original can be edited to remove the restriction the originator should be given the option to do so and repost – and that tweet appears as a linked reply to the @TwitterCnDs tweet – so we can all follow the CnD process/conversation – and be certain the process is not being abused.

Maybe it’s an unworkable idea. I understand why Twitter has to do this, but I don’t like it. Transparency will be the key to maintaining my crazily strong support for Twitter (particularly compared to other, less transparent social media networks).

“boots on the ground”? You need to go as low as military language?

There is no need to censor. As the blackout has shown, if a big company like Reddit gets its clients/customers/users motivated, policies can be changed. Twitter could have done the same.

They choose not to. Time to move on.

I don’t think you get it. If a company has “boots on the ground” (staffers in the country – see why I went with that language? It sounds clearer) then it must abide by said country’s rules.

So yes, Twitter could refuse to censor most things (DMCA takedowns aside, that is, because as you know, they’re already doing that)…but they wouldn’t be able to expand their company.

Yes, Reddit’s blackout changed policies in the US…but that’s the US. Do you really believe Twitter could somehow change the minds of policymakers around the world?

Not a bad idea, though I’m not sure how much this differs from their plan to post all instances on Chilling Effects.

And yes, I agree – I understand where Twitter is coming from, but I don’t like it either.

Mr De Neef’s right. Blame rests squarely with governments defining ‘national security’ for the rest of us ‘children’ forgetting that governments come and go. With sizeable chunk of the human species enjoying direct democratic participation through its platform, Twitter must not underestimate its growing importance and influence.

twitter did this voluntarily .. no one ordered them to do so.

no transparency on method, either. keyword filtration? on the basis of complaint? username filtration?

it will be used in the usa, of that we can have no doubt.

“They’re only following orders” is a terrible defense of what you admitted is a blatant new censorship policy. This type of country-based censorship can be used to silence GLBT activists in anti-gay countries, or to shut down political discourse in countries with stifling governments. In the wake of social media being a galvanizing force for social change in many totalitarian regimes, it should stick in all our craws that the US government’s response is to investigate ways to cripple their citizen’s right to protest. We should all be upset that instead of hailing this as a tool for democracy, our government is asking “How can we shut all these people out of the conversation for good?”

Yet, you don’t see a reason to be upset yet, and the company is just following orders. It’s sad that because you can’t see any harm coming to you in this policy, there’s no reason for you to feel outrage yet.

Totally agree with you Jillian – I also thought it was a bad omen when I heard it but if the option is take down some tweets or be completely banned – I think Twitter will be doing a disservice to the citizens of that country if it got completely banned (for not taking down tweets). People need to realize that the free for all – say anything you want – culture in the US is not the same in other countries and Twitter has to play by their rules if they want to exist in that Country. If you have an issue with this – then take the issue up with that country’s government – not Twitter.

I fully agree with all you’ve said here Zoe – except there hadn’t actually been any orders yet. They have pre-emptively introduced these measures. I agree – location-based censorship is pretty rotten… The GLBT thing especially so….

I dont know… Maybe this isn’t an entirely fair comparison but what if someone we’re commenting on your blog and gaining notoriety amongst their government for what they were expressing and their government came to you (I know, just entertain me) and said either delete their comments or we’ll block access to your entire site in our nation.

I’m hearing both sides of the argument but I can’t help but feel that by Twitter entertaining the notion that its ok that a government can intervene in this way and censor its people, is sending the wrong message in the broader picture of things. That this is a tolerable measure for governments to take instead of questioning their censorship policy altogether.

Its just not effecting us (yet) so instead we sympathize with Twitters business interests and say well yeah if they want to keep expanding then they should comply. But if it was affecting us in the US, I’m pretty sure we’d all say to hell with their business interests.

And for someone that is being censored in another country, it also would take some of the focus off who is to blame. A user notices its being censored and they see that its twitters own infrastructure and staff thats handling this. Its easier to blame Twitter than to take it the extra step and see the government is behind it.

P.S. Hi Jill :)

The Next Web have an excellent article explaining how blocked tweets will appear in your timeline:

which seems to me to be about as transparent as it can be. Also it seems there’s a simple workaround – change your country to “Worldwide”, which puts the responsibility back on the Twitter user.

Whether that situation lasts for long is another thing, as I suspect it’ll be challenged in some countries. If Twitter are then forced to use an IP address to country look-up to enforce a user’s location, that’ll drive more users in affected countries to use foreign proxies and Tor networks – if they can.

[…] Thoughts on Twitter’s Latest Move (Jillian York, Director of International Freedom of Expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation says “this does not, in my view, represent a sea change in Twitter’s policies.  Twitter has previously taken down content–for DMCA requests, at least–and will no doubt continue to face requests in the future.  I believe that the company is doing its best in a tough situation… .”) […]

[…] So meldete sich unter anderem die Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) zu Wort und urteilt: „Let’s be clear: This is censorship“. Laut Twitter kam die Zensurmethode bisher noch nicht zum Einsatz, nichtdestotrotz hält EFF an […]

[…] 敏感词库河蟹档案五毛大观有关部门防火长城科学上网草泥马语 Global Voices | 网民报导:该往何处去? 圖片由Broodcast提供本篇报导多由Weiping Li、Mera Szendro Bok撰写、研究,并由Sarah Myers编辑过去几个礼拜,我们看到了网络公司 — 又名“网际空间内的君王”,如何在全球扩张的市场需求,以及使用者对于网络言论自由的渴望之间,进退两难。随着推特(Twitter)在全球大受欢迎,该公司宣布将要屏蔽在某些国家的推特内容,以遵循当地法律。谷歌(Google)旗下的博客(Blogger)也说,要将读者导向个别国家的域名,以限制该服务在某些国家的内容。虽然两家业者宣称,他们将上述政策透明化,反而可以促进言论自由,以及确保在那些网络被控制的国家里,信息还能继续流通,这些作法还是激怒了网民,并且展开网络抗议行动。在抗议者中,中国艺术家艾未未说,若是推特开始审查,他就停止发送讯息。一篇在“科技闲话”网站(techdirt)的文章,则哀叹若是其他网络公司跟随推特以及博客的脚步,依照个别国家的规定审查网络,则信息流通全球的网络现状可能不保。然而,推特的举措还是赢得了掌声,不仅限制内容的国家给予讚美,连捍卫言论自由的活动人士也颇为认同。中国与泰国毫不意外地欢迎推特的决定。在言论自由光谱的另一端,吉利安‧约克(Jullian York)以及麦克‧麦思尼克(Mike Masnick)也赞同该公司对于政策透明的努力,以及提供渠道,让言论受限国家的居民得以绕开屏蔽的作法。推特以及博客并非第一个,也不会是最后一个实施区域性屏蔽网络内容的公司。就如伊娃‧盖普林(Eva Galperin)所说的,作为关心网络自由命运的网民,我们会密切注意这股趋势,并且确保这些公司守得住底线。以下是其他你可能会想知道的趋势以及报导:审查制度如上所述,网络公司服从某些国家的法律及要求,已经成为趋势。最新的案例就是脸书(Facebook)以及谷歌(Google)应印度法院命令的要求,移除被视为“令人不悦”的内容。在最近一场由媒体使用计划(Media Access Project)所举办的活动中,谷歌的包伯‧布尔思丁(Bob Boorstin)指出,印度、韩国以及巴西是在这场言论自由战役中,战情紧急的国家。突尼西亚网络局局长摩埃‧查楚克(Moez Chakchouk)在 与人权组织“审查指数”(Index of Censorship)访谈中,说明该局的角色已经从审查制度下的工具,转变成维持“网络中立”的单位。这位局长也谈及了他们如何处理旧政权遗留下来的审 查机器。此外,某些外国公司过去贩售设备,供旧政权实施审查制度。局长也畅谈了该局目前与这些公司之间的关系。BBC在夜间音乐节目过滤“巴勒斯坦”一词,此举饱受外界批评。但BBC仍坚称此为正确之举,而且坚持在音乐节目里表达偏颇一方的政治观点,并非适当行为。过去两个星期,在西藏人民以激烈行动抗议中国统治之时,有一些西藏部落格被强制关闭。根据英国卫报报导,在此同时,中国政府也切断了四川藏人抗议地区的网络及电话通讯。同样在中国,微博实名制也引起了网民抗争言论自由:好几位以勇于批评政府著称的知识分子,因为政府加紧控制,因而关闭了新浪微博帐号。“在媒体上”(On the Media)网站的一篇文章揭露了美国政府对于维基解密文件所做的删节。美国民权团体ACLU依据信息自由法案,申请美国政府公布之前遭维基解密所洩漏的文件,并将美国政府依申请所揭露的文件,与维基解密所洩漏的文件比对,找出政府删除了哪些段落。监控美国国会议员爱德华‧马凯(Edward Markey)针对手机监控的议题,提出法案。根据法案草稿,手机公司必须告知消费者,其所提供的设备装有类似CarrierIQ,用以追踪使用者手机活动的软件。业者也须在监控之前,先取得消费者的同意。马里莎‧洛格(malicia Rogue)在全球之声倡议部落格所 发表的文章,整理出美国联邦调查局(FBI)发布的线上恐怖主义指标。根据联邦调查局文件,“试图遮盖萤幕,以避开他人视线”或是“使用匿名代理软件 (anonymizers)、入口网站(portal),或其他可以掩饰网络位址的方法”,都是恐怖活动的证据,且会引起联邦调查局官员的疑心。夏威夷众议院的代表提出法案,要求网络供应商记录消费者以及其网络浏览历史的信息,例如网络位址以及域名。该信息必须保留两年。不意外地,该法案招致许多批评,一些议员也决定不予支持。迫害韩国活动人士朴正进(音译)被控“协助敌方”,违反韩国的国家安全法,理由是朴正进从朝鲜的官方推特帐号,转发“金正日万岁”讯息,其用意原本只是要嘲讽朝鲜领导人。伊朗的新闻记者遭遇了哪些困境?哪些记者目前人在狱中?伊朗一个全新的网站专门报导这些议题。虽然网站上大部分的文章是以波斯文书写,但有些已被翻译成英文,供外界从伊朗人民的观点,探索这些议题。网民运动线上社群Reddit 在反对SOPA及PIPA法案的运动里,扮演重要角色。现在该社群正一起试着创造法案,避免日后有人干涉网络自由。非洲历史最悠久的社区广播电台,在社交媒体的助益之下,不但拉近了与听众之间的距离,还以听众强大的支持力量,让金主找到持续让该电台经营下去的理由。再一次地,社交媒体将全世界的人联合一起,抗议叙利亚政府的屠杀行为。活动人士透过推特及脸书散布讯息,呼籲民众在叙利亚使馆外抗议。许多叙利亚民众响应号召,并在科威特、伦敦、柏林以及华盛顿特区的使馆外表达他们的愤怒。国家政策根据Akamai网络现状报告,2011年第三季,韩国、香港以及日本在宽频普及率上领先各国,中国与印度则落后他国。英国媒体报导,在金正日去世一百日内的国丧期中,朝鲜政府禁止人民使用手机,因为担心会引发民众对于政府的不满。网络空间的君主脸书申请上市的消息,在二月一日成为新闻头条。其上市不仅是全球市场上的大事,就全球社交网络来说,也有重要的人权与隐私方面的影响。人权组织“人权第一”(Human Right First)的总裁爱丽莎‧马西米诺(Elisa Massimino)从人权观点,解释脸书大规模上市的重要性。一篇在科技网站Ars Technica的文章则指出,脸书上市也意味着,过去美国联邦交易委员会对于脸书的调查以及询问资料,原本不对外公开,现在都得摊在世人眼前。从三月一日起,谷歌的新隐私政策将会整合使用者在其不同服务上的个人信息。该政策已经引起外界对于客户隐私的严重关切。对于使用者而言,谷歌可以借此猜测你的年龄以及喜好,再将这些资料提供给广告商。过去两个礼拜以来,谷歌忙着澄清新隐私政策的“迷思”。该公司也以一份长达十三页的信件,回应国会的质疑,并且保证“新的隐私政策不会改变谷歌把用户信息存档、删除的作法”。“人权第一”的企业及人权资深顾问梅葛‧洛根沙克(Meg Roggensack)的文章,检视了集权政体下私营电信企业的责任。谷歌针对除传输控制协议(TCP),提出一些改变网络标准的建议。传输控制协议是一种传输协定,应用程序借着TCP才得以可靠地传递资料。著作权在欧洲二十二国签署了“反假冒贸易协定”(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, ACTA))后,反对ACTA的抗议行动蔓延全欧。一月的最后一个星期里,捷克、比利时、爱尔兰、英国以及法国的抗议者走上街头反对此协定。骇客则在网上战斗,表达不满 — 不过,无论是赞成及反对此协定的两方,提出的论述或有正确,也有谬误。提摩西‧李(Timothy B. Lee)在科技网站ars technica发表的文章中,检视了这些论述。这些网上抗议行动,的确在欧洲达到成效:欧洲议会专责ACTA的书记辞去职务,并且批评ACTA协商的过程,波兰国会议员则戴上V怪客的面具,以示抗议。斯洛伐尼亚大使因为签署ACTA协定而公开道歉,波兰总理也已暂停该协定的批准程序。最新的消息是,捷克政府也跟进暂停批准协定。欧洲议会成员玛利亚‧沙克(Marietje Schaake)为想要抗议此协定的民众,列出了可以采取的行动。泛太平洋伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement)亦会冲击网络言论自由。拉西米‧任纳(Rashimi Rangnath)写了一篇与此有关的文章,请见“公共知识”(Public Knowledge)网站。根据报导,储存在Megaupload网站上的档案将会被删除。此一档案储存服务被控以非法分享档案,且美国政府以调查为由,也已扣押其资产。电子前锋基金会(The Electronic Frontier Foundation)已经寄信给东维吉尼亚检察官办公室以及Megaupload的律师,要求他们考虑无辜的使用者,保存网站上的资料。西班牙加泰隆尼亚的盗版党也已替合法使用者,在西班牙法院控告美国联邦调查局。美国政府决定,不在新闻稿以及公共文件内发布负责Megaupload一案的官员及检察官姓名,以保护他们及其家人的人身安全。政府官员说,骇客极有可能对负责此案的相关人等展开攻击。网民在反SOPA运动中展现“有效的政治力量”几天之后,美国司法部即针对Megaupload展开行动。尤凯‧班克勒(Yochai Benkler)在最近一场访谈中提及此案。他说,司法部未经审判,就扣押该公司的资产以及人员,是一个“相当挑衅且大张旗鼓”的举措。英国法官针对一项照片著作权侵权的案件做出审判,该判决可能进一步模糊著作权法里“想法/表达”的界线,并且箝制创造空间。网络安全一群支持叙利亚总统阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的骇客攻击半岛电视台英语部落格“叙利亚现场”(Syria Live Blog),并在网站上张贴支持阿萨德的讯息。该部落格是用以报导叙利亚的抗议事件。根据世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum, WEF)的2012年全球风险报告,在可能实现的全球风险中,针对政府以及私部门的网络攻击排名第四。该报导也呼籲改善网络风险的“信息不对称”,以改善全球网络安全。政府、恐怖分子以及犯罪组织,越来越懂得利用网络技术,监控目标 — 大多数的目标是新闻记者。不过,许多记者并未具备网络安全的相关技能。一篇哥伦比亚新闻评论部落格里的文章,检视美国新闻学院里的网络安全教育。校對:Sonya Yan Song作者 Rebecca MacKinnon · 译者 Weiping Li · 阅读原文 en · 则留言 (0) 分享: HEMiDEMi · MyShare · Shouker · facebook · twitter · reddit · StumbleUpon · delicious · Instapaper本文由自动聚合程序取自网络,内容和观点不代表数字时代立场 定期获得翻墙信息?请电邮订阅数字时代 […]

[…] Vi propongo un giro di analisi e opinioni. Prima di tutto qui il post originale con l’annuncio di Twitter.  Nick Judd su TechPresident; Paul Smalera sul blog della Reuters (via @AntDeRosa); la spiegazione di MarketingLand; l’opinione di @digiphile (Alex Howard) ; il “suicidio” di Twitter secondo Forbes; Mohamed el Dahshan per il Guardian contro il boicottaggio nei confronti di Twitter; l’imbavagliamento selettivo secondo Richard Waters sul blog del Financial Times; l’opinione di Zeinobia dal Cairo; la panoramica molto ben fatta delle prime opinioni a cura di Fabio Chiusi per Il festival del Giornalismo e ValigiaBlu; Raffaella Menichini per; David Ferguson per TheRawStory;  Anna Heim per The NextWeb su come aggirare il blocco mirato; Andrew Schrock con un’analisi dei tweet bloccati fin qui visibili su Chilling Effects; Pandemìa su cosa faremmo noi al posto di Twitter per evitare la censura; Sarah Kendzior su come la nuova politica di Twitter premierebbe l’attivismo d’elite;  e il post di Zeinep Tufekci (@Techsoc) sull’ingegnosità di Twitter nel rispettare le leggi vigenti fornendo strumenti ai difensori della libertà di espressione, e su linee simili quello di Jillian C York […]

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