

Welcome to my new posting grounds!  Thanks to my good friend Mykal Cave, who designed and is hosting this site for me, I finally have my own space – and just in time for WeMedia, which I will be attending in Miami this week (see interview with me here).  At the conference, I’m hoping to network with other citizen media folks, gain better insight into the whole blogging universe, and maybe even take home some ideas which I can implement at work.

By the way, for anyone just coming across this site (which admittedly is still pretty blank), I’ve been blogging at The Morocco Report for the past three years, so you will find much more about me (and my writing) there.  I also write for Global Voices Online,, and Voices without Votes, to name a few.  I have a day job in Boston as well, which I adore.

This week I will be liveblogging several sessions of WeMedia – read on.

5 replies on “Welcome!”

It will be nice to find everything you write in one place, or at least linked from here. I’m sure it will fill up very quickly, especially since you’ll be attending the conference this week. Congratulations!

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