
A Small Reminder

…in case you’re not convinced as to why we shouldn’t trust the US government on this one.


Carlos Latuff’s Talk at 1º Encontro Mundial de Blogueiros (Brazil)

Brazilian activist cartoonist Carlos Latuff, whose work has been regularly featured on Global Voices, particularly throughout the ‘Arab Spring,’ starts the Brazilian panel thanking his country for “bringing Latin America here,” stating that Brazil tends to turn its back on the rest of Latin America. “In the Arab Spring,” says Latuff, “I’ve used Twitter heavily […]



Today, following an announcement that President Mubarak would hand over power to the army, Egyptians and global observers eagerly awaited Mubarak’s evening speech, only to find that he was late to enter. While waiting, a few Twitter users started up a hashtag, #ReasonsMubarakIsLate, to speculate on his delay and showcase that famous Egyptian sense of […]