
On Facebook’s “suppression” of conservative news

The headlines this week are about Facebook’s “suppression” or “censorship” of conservative news. As Snopes points out, there are two separate things that former employees are (anonymously) accusing Facebook of: The first is the suppression of conservative news topics which, if true, is indeed troubling. If there’s breaking news about say, Ted Cruz, and a Facebook […]

Culture Freedom of Speech Media Politics

The Trouble(s) With Advocating for Free Speech

I was sorely tempted to call this post “I’m a free speech advocate, everyone is an idiot.” After reading it, you’ll understand why, though ultimately that sentence is more of a reflection of my mood at the moment than of what’s going on. What’s going on, you see, is that suddenly, full-grown adults seem confused […]


Guns and Breasts: Cultural Imperialism and the Regulation of Speech on Corporate Platforms

This piece was originally published as Waffen und Brüste: Kultureller Imperialismus und die Regulierung von Sprache auf kommerziellen Plattformen in the Jahrbuch Netzpolitik 2014. I am republishing it today because I was looking for it as a reference and realized it wasn’t available in English. When celebrity comedienne Chelsea Handler wanted to make a statement […]